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This is going to be me dumping every idea for a Pokemon MMO
>massive region that can fit in hundreds of players per server
>tons of distinct areas with big, sizably scaled cities and towns with various quests
>all 800+ pokemon can be obtainable, legendaries will be boss pokemon that can be battled and captured
>wild pokemon roam around believably as if they're in their own habitat
>you can create your own teams or go around as a solo trainer
>freedom for occupations, like battling, studying pokemon like a professor, chilling and spectating battles, etc
>league challenge as expected, sometimes requiring more than just a battle like in the anime
>full-sized stadium tournament that cycles weekly (poke cup, pika cup, petite cup, prime cup, challenge cup for lunatics)
>tough as nails event trainers will show up like cynthia, steven, red, etc. and you can challenge them to a battle for a limited amount of time
>the end of the year will include a bat-shit insane final tournament where the true champion of the server will be declared until their inevitable defeat
>it's all good and will really make you feel like you're part of the pokemon world for once