1)What about some post E4 interesting place, with interesting story, with auto-leveling trainers to fight not depending on your time expended on the web or how many days you spend playing...
2)Some place to really play with people on the net with no shitty servers and no friends code needed, just people meeting in the net.
3)What about purchase for pokemons from other editions from other players actually choosing the pokemon that you want, not stupid emonjis game..
>>12344797YES PLEASE
I think the worst mistake of GF is that, they are no improving and making screenplay more intuitive, easy or useful. GF must focus on this. They don't even seem to know there are a touch-screen and "L" and"R" buttons.
>>12344647>>12344669That's the point! Let the haters hate. They should find a way to make possible to teach a move (earthquake) to a pokemon, more than one time; but no as easy as say "OK, Let's teach motherfucker strong moves to all my pokemons all the time without limit". What about a BP system or money or steps or other limits for use?... I'm not sure