>regional birdTalonflame.
>regional rodent.Furrent. That's purely nostalgia since all token rodents are useless. I also really like Alolan rattata and cincino.
>regional bugLeavanny! I seriously adore sewaddle, swadloon and leavanny.
>PikacloneUgh. These are so dumb but outside of the raichu family the one I like the most is definitely emolga. I genuinely like mimikyu a lot but not sure if it even counts.
>Legendary trioTaoism trio.
>legendary duoCresselia/Darkrai.
>cutemon legendDiancie or keldeo. Honestly they are all pretty great.
>MegaDiancie again.
>>36300927Besides charizard and plusle/minun that is pretty respectable.
>>36300988Not bad.
>>36301002You sound like someone I know. I can respect that.
>>36301347I got two meloettas and last I checked they are not hard to get, good luck. What's with all the staraptor bros here? It is nice.
>>36301746Unovafags are always a welcomed sight to me.
>>36301785That's kind of based, kind of.