>>32237930There will never be a time when rules and regulations reflect on the ideals of banning or disbanding quality of play concerning Shinies and or IV altering. Poke Ball/Mon appearances are strictly cosmetic and do not imply cheating in the actual gameplay. As long as the Pokemon is legal in regards to Moveset, move pool, and abilities; yes even changing to Hidden Abilities where they usually could not or are not released (which is a gray area for even some of my Colleagues) but to me is perfectly fine.
Why do I say it's fine? Even if that ability is currently not obtainable?
Because for a cheap price you can alter the data or even for free, outside of the mandatory game & handheld, you can acquire it.
I honestly see no problem with it and neither does 100% of the faculty at TCPi and Studios hired to work in collaboration with GameFreak and or Pokemon International.
No one has the irrational behaviorial mindset that the community in a small number does, those who dislike 'cheating' or consider this cheating are a minority. A major minority with a loud voice. Like a small child who lost their balloon. Yes, they can screech to be heard but eventually they'll be passified or their throat gets sore. You'll get a pat on the head, scratch'n'sniff sticker and maybe a hug. Or some ice cream or candy.
You're asked to, please, just let it go. There's no way you or anyone else in the Showdown, Smogon, or Chan community will change the fact that we're not caring for your desires.
As long as it's a correct ability and move set then it is Competition Legal. Whether you dislike that or not, is of no consequence. Even the creators, and Game Freak use tools outside of their developer kits to shinify and alter, just for fun.
That's all I wanted to express. So just do us all a favor and quiet down all this fussyness and keep an eye out for real cheating. If it does not make the match unfair; excluding time stalling, then it doesn't matter.