>>37921331Beginning to accept the fact that some friends just grow apart. Gushes over stranger's animals in an annoying, though charming, way.
>>37921122Sees new things remind him about his childhood a lot of times. 8/10 dining companion.
>>37920668Had a hard time standing out from other guys. Had a "let me play devil's advocate" phase.
>>37920589Complains about stuff that today's kids like. Has a few collectables from his childhood. Type of guy that mellows out when e becomes a dad.
>>37920513Type of person that calls out a fault in someone that they secretly share. Collects anime stuff. Won't enjoy giving oral the first time.
>>37920442Adaptable to most situations. Has been invited to a gathering by a friend and said something to make everyone go quiet for a few seconds.
>>37918893Sincerely enjoys the things their girlfriend/boyfriend does. Gets serious a bit too fast. Will marry quickly, but it'll be with the right person.
>>37918703Puts odd toppings on his food that's actually pretty good if his friends would give it a try. Wears his hair in a good-guy style. 10/10 at random conversations over fast food.
>>37917274Good best friend material. That guy everyone pretty much knows and says "Oh yea, he's cool." about. Cool with sharing embarrassing stories about himself.
>>37916744Can be really annoying, but is a good guy most of the time. Great kisser, but brags about it too much. Likes classics.
>>37915005"Debate me" type of guy. Likes to complain about movies. /vp/ veteran.
>>37914282Enjoys odd things and has a lot of band T-shirts. Discusses anime in a way that makes you enjoy being around him. Cool with trying new things in the sack, making him the best at sex itt.