Quoted By:
>CTRL+F "Hitmon"
>Not a single Hitmon pokemon mentioned.
You all disgust me.
Mega Hitmonchan - Fighting
Far more bulky in appearance, like an Americanized boxer rather than it's stick thin appearance.
HP - 80
Attack - 145
Defense - 99
Sp Attack - 35
Sp Def - 110
Speed - 70
Ability - Iron Fist
Mega Hitmonlee - Fighting
It's long legs and feet become more flexible, like a slinky or a spring. Allowing it to reposition attacks mid-kick.
HP - 70
Attack - 130
Defense - 53
Sp Atk - 35
Sp Def - 110
Speed - 137
Ability: Compound Eyes
Mega Hitmontop - Fighting
Begins to rapidly spin in the opposite direction than it normally would, going off kilter and somehow spinning in an unpredictable manner
HP - 60
Attack - 125
Defense - 125
Sp Attack - 35
Sp Def - 110
Speed - 100
Ability - Reversed Spin: All moves with 60 base power or less gain a 2x attack boost. All moves with more than 60 base power become exactly 61 base power.