>News/Important Info-Menuhax and Browserhax are BACK, working up to 10.3! As we've learned from before, do NOT rely on browserhax exclusively because Nintendo can push an update at any time, install menuhax and/or ironhax (see under) ASAP!
-Exploitable Ironhax is downloadable again for 10.2+ users but will be taken down really really soon so rush the fuck out. Download the newest starter kit obviously, install menuhax, run it (for some reason doesn't work on other hax's) and use the "eShop - old version downloader". This is highly recommended if you don't have OoT/CN because it can't be patched.
-A lot of shit has been going on and we can expect a kernel exploit soon. As such, DON'T update if 10.4 comes. If you're on N3DS it's highly recommended to not update past 10.1 because of an exclusive exploit to it.
-CCC presentation, good watch:
https://youtu.be/CzVZgdkzBn8-eShop/NNID login only works for 10.2+
>Homebrew Flowchart, also contains useful links (CHECK THIS BEFORE ASKING QUESTIONS)http://reddit.com/3vnn2v (if you're at <=9.2 and want to do kernel/CFW stuff I recommend first going to
>>>/vg/hbg instead)
>Read before requesting Pokémonhttp://pastebin.com/f7gZhpU3>PKHeX directly on the 3DS throught Homebrew Launcher (WIP)http://gbatemp.net/threads/405302/>PHBank, free Pokébank alternativehttps://gbatemp.net/threads/398718/>Homebrew Instalation, has instructions to install all main *haxshttps://gbatemp.net/threads/395652/Smealum's site:
http://smealum.github.io/3ds/>What is thisInject Pokemon into your XY/ORAS game using Homebrew.
>What do I needAny XY/ORAS game.
A PC with a SD adapter.
A way to access homebrew.
>Instructions on how to inject and general info (DON'T BE A LAZY FAGGOT, READ THIS)http://pastebin.com/SYAcZLNQhttp://pastebin.com/FWSxVMue (for web exploit users)
>For ROM-hacking stuffhttp://pastebin.com/zmH9KsGdIf anyone tries to trick you into going to /wfg for injection, it's a troll.
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