>>53912958I don't think it's that hidden. I think it's a very blatant code of trying to average out WR%'s and stacking people who are on streaks together. Right after posting my four game losing streak, I was blessed with a five-game winning streak with VERY competent teammates. The complete opposite of the potion Charizards who were Ulting at 2:25 to win a 1v1 that I was encountering before. These people also had above 50% WR whereas the other games, I was guaranteed two teammates with 49% or lower.
This pattern is part of the reason why I keep ping-ponging. I know the other anon said "just play a few games and you'll win more", but I literally started a new session with a three-game losing streak as Wiggly only to climb back with three-game winning streak as other characters. If I had stopped then, I would've just broken even the same way I did later on.