>>26628425That would've been cool!
I like your idea.And generally agree with it.
You know manga had thoseYelRald charas?
Yellow appeared in first manga(proper),but it was just Red's clone(I mean what his game incarnation would've been,he was called Yellow and his RivalBlue in original),whilst Emerald never had any cameos there was one manga who'se main character was called"Rald", it had medium popularity(still bigger thanPPM xd)
They were introduced just to fix game inconsistences,as pedantic asA(d)venture(s) creators generally are trying to sum it all into one coherent stuff and(better or worse, source material is hard,but they got approval of the creator hah)more or less coherent story.
You know what role Wally, Bel/Cheren(andN to be "redeemed" by White2 soon)/Hugh/,Karos*Trio had. Now I think those characters like Brock/Misty/Tracey Sketshit (why all the hate?)/Max(likewise)/Iris&Dent-o (why change his name,but not her?same for wtf is Drider)/Eureka&Sissibro had in the mango? I feel like the original characters like Junichi(got many names, when appeared in proper animu) or Max/Tracey should have kept similar role within anime in that case.
(excuse me for not bothering to learn their dub/translation names, I have experiences with Best Wishes when on this ITT board was being created for that stuff,and that Treeant-Ent guy,Yvern/X-stuff and Xcalibur)
*Kalos is Gayreek word for beauty, Kalos Kaghathos.
In general I prefer to keep to original names due to shit like Gold happening.
Guy got so many names,despite being playable character, second male one. Isn't it idoitic?
Kenta-Jimmy/Hiro, Hibiki-Ethan (going with Kotone-Lyra lyrical theme as stupid as this jewish name innit), but they could just leave him as he was. Idon't understand that nor much of Nintendon't decisions for that matter.
>>26628318yes we clearly have awakened the monster. you better start believing in bulbapedo threads, YOURE IN ONE!
(there was similar shit with Iris on serebii)