>>19336492>My favourite types are used more so they're better! xDSmogon's Fallacy is the greatest faux pas a Pokémon player can perpetrate.
>I also never claimed my opinion to be objectively correct as you have, only subjective In fact, you said this:
>You appear to enjoy being wrong.This implies a degree of objectivity, as subjective facts cannot be incorrect, varying from person to person. Stop backpedaling- You're bad at it and I've been doing this since before you were born, kiddo.
>I'm only giving some evidence to an argument that can never actually be settled given it comes down to personal opinion. I guess that's your version of doublespeak for "I admit I was wrong"?
>Therefore, your opinion, and argument, is shit.You've been kneeling in shit for so long you can't smell it anymore, I see. I, on the other hand, bask in the aroma of roses.