>Letting out yet another quick sigh, the Samurott's mind raced back to the thought of his other friend that he had been so keen on becoming a couple with. Was it best to just...let go of that? To just find someone else? The thought would normally faze him, but at this point, he really didn't know if continuing his attractions to the Typhlosion would be for the better. It would never be returned anyway. Playing it out in his mind would always lead to the same thing-- him being alone and getting nowhere. With that in mind, he returned his gaze to the Ninetales; noticing his friend's blush and allowing himself to smile just a bit.L-Listen, friend, I'm not...I'm n-no warrior in the art of romance, but...
>Shit, was his voice starting to crack? Shutting himself up once he realized how nervous he was getting, the Samurott mumbled the rest of his words, his blush getting pinker by the second....B-But I erm, I wouldn't...Arceus, I-I wouldn't...mind...trying...
>Shaking like a leaf in a storm, the Samurott just stopped talking at that point, hoping that those words alone would be enough to get his message across.