We beat Juan... but at what cost? While this fight wasn't the bloodiest we've had this run, it is the most painful, as we've lost Saint who's been with us the whole time, along with Bengal and Bronco. That Kingdra was able to get off too many Double Teams, and we had a problem. This hurts, but we're rebuilding for now. The team listed is tentatively the best we have to use. Magnemite I recognize is the best thing I can use, but using it now would prevent me from using Magnezone in the future. So I really don't want to.
>>49287005F to the Slowking, but I'm enjoying the drawings.
>>49288477Congrats to the win! Losing a friend right at the champion fight is rough, but good stuff beating that game, it's not an easy one.
>>49281867Congrats to you as well, game is hard.