>>39425047I'm mostly triggered by people pretending Colosseum and Gale of Darkness are somehow good games.
Yes, the Pokemon animations were better than most of their modern counterparts.
But that's literally all they had. They're fucking awful games in every other regard.
>>39424880>>39425036Shitposting aside, the actual size of the company doesn't equate to how many people worked on it.
https://nintendo.fandom.com/wiki/Pok%C3%A9mon_Colosseum/creditsThey probably had all their developers on it but they also clearly got extra help from people at Creatures and other parts of TPC on top of the obvious help from NOA/NOE for localization stuff.
>>39425046>>39425054>>39425072Wasn't even implying it'd be better there, just saying instead of using the fucking meme tree he could at least use a better comparison of a generic shot from both instead of the worst from one.
Also, yes, making trees is hard. Y'know why the ones in the Gale of Darkness shot look better? It's because it's smaller. They had the time and resources to make those treas a nicer texture considering the player got so close to them in this one area and they didn't have a massive world beyond them to worry about. The game has a MUCH smaller scope so they can spend more time on things like that. By contrast, S/S's world is massive and they need to use tricks like the flat textures bundled to look like tree tops in order to have something look passable without taking dev time from more important features.