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Arceus, the mind of the Original One, the strongest entity, the One that possessed and possesses control and will over the Original One and over all. A creature of control, which is also the one to inherit the ability to absorb all the elemental powers of the Giants. It will reside in the Origin Hall, the highest point of the universes, to look over all from above. Its stone/core is the yellow-ish stone parts on the tips of its body and sorrounding its belly, and the green gems situated on the circle, which seem to be the source of the powers cited.
Giratina, the Platinum, the innermost Giant side of the Original One, a contrary to Arceus and characterized by a burning hate for Arceus. Giratina will end up being a Dragon type like the other Giants, the most prevalent amd basilar element among the Giants, and the first owner of a new element; the ghost type, possibly acquired after being killed by Arceus. Setting an unprecedented state of life for creatures; that of becoming a ghost type after death. Representing in a way resilience and the eternal immortality of the Giants.
It will also be the incarnation of anti-matter. Giratina will be caged in the Distortion World, the lowest point in the universes, to be a base for the rest of the multiverse to stand on, forced by Arceus's will. Its stone and core is the Platinum, which sorrounds most of its body and seems to be extremely similar to the stone on Arceus's body, possibly the same. Observing its disposition, especially in the Altered Form, it seems like the stone is holding it back and repressing it. It is possible that this stone is the main source of control for Arceus, or the main core of control of the Original One as a whole. Or maybe it could just be the strongest and most prevalent stone part of the Original One, thus inherited by its 2 strongest wills.