>>22683283>I'm still, new, I assume Rainbow means colorless yeah?Nah, pic related. It's pretty cheap. Grab 4 copies on ebay, amazon, or your local card shop if you have one.
You will want Aromatisse in there though, it's the star of the deck who can move around any fairy energies you have on the board to any other Pokemon, including pic related, since it counts as a fairy energy.
A good source of cards if you're not just gonna buy singles is the Resiliant Life theme deck for like 8-10 dollars. Comes with 2x Xerneas which is really good for accelerating energy. The aforementioned Aromatisse, and trainers you desperately need like Sycamore, Fairy Garden, and a few other things.
You really don't want the dark part of that deck. Except maybe Malimar-EX. Mixing energies unless you absolutely need to isn't a good thing, in fact for Fairy it's a very bad thing since it hurts the deck's consistency.
If you're willing to spend a bit more money (17-20$) then get the Yveltal/Xerneas Battle Arena kit. Comes with more things you need like 4x ultra ball, 4x sycamore, 2x lysandre, 2x Xerneas, some extra evosodas, 2x more muscle band, even a couple Carbink. It's really worth it if you can spend that much.