Okay, show's over, we're back in business.>>21137286"So how does Caitlin tie into all of this?"
You don't even know where that question comes from. It just sort of came out of a metaphorical need to shove another person into this already ridiculously contrived narrative for the sake of the giggles, a silent necessity.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=amNvDULdNk8Deimos cocks an eyebrow, "Wait a minute, huh? I didn't even mention Caitlin until you brought her up right now. How do you know about my
other daughter?"A) "..Lucky guess?"
B) "I ask everyone how Caitlin's doing."
C) "Whoa whoa, OTHER daughter I was just bullshitting around but holy shit, dish dish dish.~"
D) "Is she the 'inferior' one?"