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Guys, I think I'm losing it here.
I was working on getting Wish chainbred to an Eevee, so I bred a Togetic with a Pikachu, got a male Pichu, named it Short.
Well, earlier today I handed it the Soothe Bell, saved, and rode around the tower for a while, unfortunately I was so tired I dozed, and my 3DS ran out of juice. Woke up, plugged it into the charger and started playing again from where I left off.
Rode around some more, checked its happiness, maxed. Went to Victory Road for a single battle, level up spam...and Short starts to evolve, yadda yadda, Pikachu.
There was a notch on its tail.
Check, female.
Reset, female.
I know for a fact that Pichu was male, because I would have named it Socket if it was female. And why would I build up a female when I can't breed Wish on an Eevee with it?