>>50519832In my infinite autism, I actually decided to crunch the numbers on this one, here's the full list of Pokemon that Blue could have realistically caught and evolved, assuming he's working within the same limitations as you, and also taking into account the NFE's on his team.
>First Form Starter>Second Form Starter>Caterpie>Metapod>Butterfree>Weedle>Kakuna>Beedril>Pidgey>Pidgeotto>Rattata>Raticate>Spearow>Fearow>Ekans>Arbok>Pikachu>Nidoran M.>Nidoran F.>Nidorino>Nidorina>Nidoking/Nidoqueen>Clefairy>Jigglypuff>Clefable/Wigglytuff>Zubat>Golbat>Oddish>Gloom>Paras>Parasect>Diglett>Dugtrio>Mankey>Primeape>Abra>Kadabra>Geodude>Graveler>Golem>Farfetch'd>Drowzee>Hypno>Mr. MimeSo yes, it is actually possible to have more than 40 Pokemon before the S.S. Anne, so if you're crazy enough to grind this much before the third gym then you can say that, at one point in the game, you were ahead of Blue.