>>44914425I made a mistake, used "soli" when I meant "solae"
In Latin, there are few restrictions on word order.
Here's a passage from Cicero's "On the Nature of the Gods" and my attempted translation:
>Est etiam admiratio non nulla in bestiis aquatilibus is quae gignuntur in terra; veluti crocodili fluviatilesque testudines quaedamque serpentes ortae extra aquam simul ac primum niti possunt aquam persequuntur. quin etiam anitum ova gallinis saepe supponimus; e quibus pulli orti primo aluntur ab his ut a matribus, a quibus exclusi fotique sunt, deinde eas relinquunt et effugiunt sequentes, cum primum [p. 100] aquam quasi naturalem domum videre potuerunt: tantam ingenuit animantibus conservandi sui natura custodiam.It is even not a small admiration (i.e. marvel) that in [all] the water-dwelling beasts (he?) which are born on Earth; just as crocodiles and river-dwelling turtles and certain (hatched?) serpents out of the water just as they could from the beginning follow the water completely. Why or why not even a journey the eggs for hens often we are supposing, out of these the (hatched?) pullets at first are nourished from these as from the mothers, from which they have been closed off [and] warmed up: then they abandon these and they flee the following ones, although at first the water as if it had been able to see the natural home: the nature of one's own fulfilment for the animals [is] such... protection
(He's trying to say something about imprinting...)