The episode has aired, Serena spilled her spaghetti, Première is top tier waifu material, and most of the episode was focused on Ash and a kid saving Pikachu and Sylveon from Team Rocket rather than Serena misreading the situation as romantic. Next week is a break, and then we gt the long-awaited anime debut of Espurr the autist Pokémon. Discuss, speculate, bitch and moan etc etc.
NOT-SHIT SUBS: episodes:
>Spooky Shelter! Espurr Watches You!! [1/30]>Chespin VS Delphox! A Diet Battle!? [2/6]>Dedenne is Pichu and Pichu is Dedenne...!?[2/13]Shit people will ask:
>Is this season good? I haven't watched the anime in [x] years and-It's better than Unova. Will it peak soon? Most likely, but just enjoy the ride as it is now. Right now we're in a character development arc for each character, with the two newly announced episodes dealing with Clemont and Bonnie respectively.
>When's the next break?Next week.
>Will Serena win da Ash? The long answer: No.|The short answer: Maybe.
>Muh subs when?[PM] is subbing X/Y, their release schedule has been getting better, they have the best subs available, work with them.
>BUT I SAW THESE OTHER LUCARIOPK SUBS ON THE INTERNET AND-No. LucarioPK is google translate/guesswork shit that completely misinterprets scene after scene, don't do it. Seriously, DON'T.
>Why aren't the first two episodes subbed by [PM]?The dub beat them to the punch so they skipped to episode 3. They'll sub episode 1&2 after finishing the rest of the BW subs. Until then, handle the dub or raw for the first two episodes.
>Muh dubs when?This Saturday.