>>45031200I'm happy for you anon. Sounds fun and its always good to hear people getting into TTRPGs!
The PTU game i'm in right now takes place in Sinnoh, is finally in its final act from what the DM has told us. We've been effectively on a crazy journey trying to stop a terrorist organization trying to reshape the world using Dialga, Palkia, Giratina to dethone Arceus (AKA God) from its throne and recreate the world in their image. Its the most basic SMT plot you've ever played (its intentional though), where we've reached a point of either find and beat up Arceus/God to remove predetermined fate so people can have true free will or stop the Terrorist Organization's Leader and let Arceus/God continue with its continued control over fate. We voted on it last session and deiced to start making our way to Spear Pillar to help 'dethrone' god so humanity can control their own destiny, but we are not letting the Terrorist Group Leader dude get Giratina in that seat, so we gotta beat up the Pokemon Devil too... its a Bizarre Adventure to say the least.
This picture is the best part of the campaign, its ball bustingly hard, so we have the most basic memes to joke about it with...