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Okay, I really hate the Rock-type as a defensive typing. GF keeps slapping it onto shit and making Pokemon worse.
>Rock/ Steel: Enjoy your quadruple weaknesses to Ground and Fighting
>Water/ Rock: Weaknesses and a quadruple weakness to Grass.
>Rock/ Ground: One of the more generic dual Rock-combinations, along with Rock/ Water. God, that weakness to Water and Grass...
>Rock/ Ice: Poor Aurorus... It has a x4 weakness to Fighting and Steel, and with Steel becoming more of a pertinent typing with Fairies being introduced, it's going to get shredded to bits by Scizor/ Metagross's Bullet Punch or anything with STAB Mach Punch.
>According to stats found on Bulbapedia, they have the lowest average speed total, making the less fortunate Rock-typings too slow to hit before something with type-advantage could.
I understand that Ice could be construed as being the worst defensive typing (given examples with Jynx, Weavile, and Abomasnow), but some of those Pokemon compensate with good speed and offensive power/ abilities.
The only true Rock-type Pokemon I can consider to be good are Tyranitar, because it can summon sandstorms and has a decent BST and movepool, and Terrakion, because meta. Other than that, I guess Tyranitar can be a suicide Stealth Rock lead that can deliver strong Crunches, Stone Edges, and Earthquakes if the opponent hasn't killed it yet.
Other than that, Rock needs to be seriously re-tooled. It's such a shitty typing and it's so ubiquitous within the Pokedex. There are so many Rock-types that keep shitting up the Dex that I'd really just wish to see most of the Rock-types just go away.
Anyone else see Rock as potentially being the worst defensive typing in this game?
>inb4 "it's just your opinion, man. If you don't like it, then don't play it."