>>45139373Since this thread is about used cartridges, I bought Emerald from a child on a flea market for 5 bucks. The cartridge itself was in a very bad shape and it's visible that the kid or his parents did switch the batteries for a bad 3rd party one. I'll send pics in some hours, but I can't check if it is legit because I currently don't own a DS or DS Lite nor do I own any GBA. Additionally, the sticker on the front is also missing which is why I can't check the quality of it.
The kid showed me that it started normally on his GBA SP though (without that message that might imply that this is a fake cartridge) and the serial numbers and the motherboard itself at least look legit. Furthermore, it definitely has the right color of plastic. Just wanted to ask here for what I should check out next time besides serial code on the in- and outside and the color of the cartridge itself for Pokémon games.