Quoted By:
Up for trade:
Pancham - Lonely/Mold Breaker 30 - 31 / 23 - 25 / 26 - 31 / 28 - 31 / 11 - 13 / 31. Female/Quick Ball
Skiddo - Brave/Sap Sipper 15 - 21 / 9 - 16 / 28 - 31 / 15 - 22 / 31 / 4 - 11. Male/Pokeball/Japanese Default name
Goomy - Bold/Hydration 20 - 22 / 16 - 18 / 25 / 12 - 14 / 4 - 6 / 14 - 16. Male/Ultra Ball/French Default name.
Lapras - Rash/Hydration 31 att/def, other IVs decent. Not sure what EVs are so can't calculate right now. Female/Repeat ball. Kalos born.
Looking for any of the following families of pokemon: Amaura, HA Bunnelby, Binacle, Dedenne, Inkay, Fletchling, Swirlix, Pumkpaboo
Post your lists and wants. Protip: notify which mons are Kalos born, it's a preference for many people.