>>26479063I loved the radio and I loved the phone. PokeNav didn't even have Match Call until Emerald. Before that it was Trainers Eyes, and it was garbage. (It's one of the many many reasons why Emerald is superior to Ruby or Sapphire.)
I also liked how the PokeGear was treated as having upgrades through data cards. The PokeNav, they actually had to open it up and tinker with it just to give you new features. It was awful. The only good thing about the PokeNav was how durable it looked.
There were some good Hoennmons, but there were a LOT of useless filler. Especially Water-Types, which is strange because you'd expect some good options, considering how many we got.
Even Swellow is more like a Fearow/Dodrio sort I'd only get for the Pokedex data, then trash for a three-stager like Pidgeot or Staraptor.