>musk somehow burns out again before the 1st badge, prompting Xaviondos to take over>writefag still vanished>we beat the blue haired chick, whose name is Gala, then head to the next town>we meet the first gym leader, Mundanez, who is somehow more pathetic than North and Ren multiplied>after we whoop his ass he turns out to be a more permanent companion in our journey than we'd like>we beat up more team gatling criminals while andreas dos makes thread wait for hours between posts>we make it to the second town where Gala forces us to take drugs and we meet not!ArceusWhiteout counter: 0
Badges: 1
Confirmed deaths: 1
Bad guys get away: 2
Crashes: 1
Previous Threads: plays MEGA folder (contains writefaggotry, art, screenshot spam, and extras): the fuck is this garbage?
>This is Pokemon Opal, which is going to be the second game Xaviondos does at a snail's pace>It's actually complete - if you ignore the bad translation.>Decisions & catches are made via GETs when people actually give a shit about them - dubs override singlets, trips override dubs and can cause thread-long rules, and quads+ override trips and can cause permanent rules>current rule for playthrough is a bird/flying monotype with sandshrew