>>53874896Well Red was easy. Steelix easily took care of Pikachu. Lanturn took out his Blastoise but nearly died to hail damage afterward. Noctowl blocked a sleep powder with insomnia then KOd Venusaur. Hitmontop took a brine from Lapras and KOd it with a close combat after fake out. I have no idea why Lapras didn't use blizzard while Noctowl was still out but Hitmontop would have been fine anyway, as long as he didn't freeze. After that Relicanth spammed head smash to KO both Charizard and Snorlax to give me the win.
I'm a little disappointed that Girafarig didn't get a good opportunity to partake in the final battle but I can't complain with how smoothly it went.
I'm excited to move on to Black. It's been a while since I've played gen 5 and I have a whole bunch of new Pokemon to use.