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>good in any way
Not only does it have 5 fucking type weaknesses (two of which are common coverage options), it's also weak to sandstorm/hail, ANY FUCKING ENTRY HAZARD, and tox/brn/seeds.
You wanna hear the kicker? THERE IS NO WAY TO COVER ALL OF THEM AT ONCE.
Covered by holding safety goggles, taking up your item slot.
With the exception of seeds, status moves can be easily avoided with a lum berry, also taking up your item slot.
>five weaknesses
Holding a focus sash allows you to take one extra attack, buffing shedinja's bulk from the durability of a wet piece of paper to the durability of mimikyu's autistic cousin. Wow, that sure makes a difference!
Do you see the pattern here? THEY'RE ALL ITEMS. Unless you're fucking sherlock holmes and can tell what sets your opponent is running from approximately 4,000 miles away, there is NO WAY TO TELL EXACTLY WHAT COVERAGE THE OPPOSING POKEMON HAVE.
You could send out shedinja, thinking "heh, all of shedinja's counters (aka the entire enemy team) are gone! time to use my totally epic wincon!" and immediately get fucked in the ass by something stupid, like dark pulse kartana. This even makes shedinja unreliable against low-elo shitters! Incredible!
>b-b-but sturdy!
Anyone that has an IQ over 5 knows to not let any pokemon that has a super effective move, status move, or sneaky pebbles die when facing shedinja.
In the case of a sturdy shedinja team (which are not only obvious from team preview, they also multiple turns to set up!) there is no fucking way they won't be immediately gunning for shedinja and his merry band of shitmons before they set up.
>b-b-but [obscure type changing move]!
The only moves that change a target's type are soak, forest's curse, and trick-or-treat. Soak is the only move in this list that completely changes the type instead of just adding it to the pokemon.
While this strategy is lesser-known, electric/grass moves in general neuter it.
I rest my case.