Quoted By:
>The games are actually rated T, for once.
>The entire premise of the story - and the "turning point" is that Professor Kukui was attacked and killed by the Aether Foundation due to sheltering Lillie.
>The player moved to Alola a few years ago, but never got to meet Professor Kukui due to his getting killed just before the player joined.
>Hau is now a more timid, sadder individual than he was before. Kukui's demise and Lillie's subsequent disappearance horrified him, and he is no longer has any interest in training Pokemon for battle. He ends up striking up a friendship with Hapu.
>Team Skull no longer assists the Aether Foundation. They're still hoodlums and low-lives, but their criminal activity has been drastically reduced.
>Lillie and Gladion have been reunited. Team Skull cut ties with the AF after they killed Kukui, and Gladion convinced him to help him find and shelter Lillie and Nebby.
>Lillie herself is a harder, colder, and more rebellious person than she was in SM, as Kukui's demise affected her badly. She's also become a Pokemon Trainer who specializes in Ice-types.
>Gladion, for the most part, is the same that he was in SM, but displays more worry for his sister than he did before.
>Plumeria is far more active in the plot than she was in SM. She frequently goes after the Aether Foundation and is dedicated to bringing them down for Lillie's and Guzma's sakes. She is something of a big sister figure for Lillie as well.
>Guzma is mellower than his SM incarnation, but is still a cocky, big-mouthed Bug-type lover. The surest way to anger him is to bring up the Aether Foundation in his presence. Though he doesn't like to show it, he is very protective of Lillie, Nebby, and Gladion.