Quoted By:
70/100 * 70/100 = 49/100
You have almost a 50/50 (a little less than half supporting you, actually) chance for FB to deal damage both times it's used.
In contrast, when compared to a 10 point decrease in power and fire typing, Fire Blast has a ratio of about 72% chance of hitting twice (85/100 * 85/100 = 7225/10000).
Assuming that the opponent doesn't use protect or switch out, of course, this is only 1% less than double the odds of a Pokemon hurting itself in confusion twice in a row, allowing for a free turn to be used by the opponent and not the confused Pokemon.
In other words, for less than half of the odds at (the price of keeping both of your turns open to do something such as paralyze or use Protect), you have a chance to make the opponent waste two turns in comparison to you wasting one.
Blizzard has the same accuracy as FB, but with 10 less PP and a power loss in doubles. However, Blizzard if it hits can hit both opponents in doubles at the cost the move's power, when compared to FB's 50% chance to leave a Pokemon open in doubles. Ice is a good offensive type though, so this loss of power may be exchanged for massive damage on both opponents.
Fighting's types that it beats vs types that resist it is 5-to-5. Fighting's type coverage includes Normal, a seldom used type competitively save for a few outliers (but ghosts are very common, especially Aegislash in the current meta and counter-able by a plethora of physical fighting types); Ice, a type seldom used defensively and weak to fire; Steel, a type weak to the ever-so-present ground type and fire type, with those that resist either using levitation methods (Air Balloon and other tricks, but these can be countered on their own right), resistant to fighting by flying typing (Skarm), or Aegislash; Rock, weak to Water and Ground types; and Dark, perhaps the type that really deserves the risk in accuracy.
It seems like the only reason that FB sucks is so that Psychic types don't have a solid counter to TTar.