>>17975576While Gallade struggles to digest a pill that'll stop his constant vomiting, Anina makes demands upfront for information.
"H-Hey! U-Um--uh, s-stop uh, swallowing t-that pill and t-tell us about the Herbi-something! A-As mayor of t-this town, y-you're obligated to l-let your p-people know!"
The queasy politician wastes a few seconds swallowing his medication before answering, "Never, screw thy townspeople! And screw thou! If I tellest thou about doth Herbicicide, they'll be rilin' the creature up all dayeth and nighteth, chains and rattles and whatnot! There's a reason that 'ol monster be hidden underground, /it hates people/! And doth hatest kids and witches more so. 'Specially witches, doth unholy hagfishes that kept pillaging doth herbs back in the ye olden days! For cripes sake, lettin' 'em KNOW it exists is bad enough, now I got doth conspiracy theorists tryin' to get into the city's Catacombs and causin' major ruckus and whatnot! If I don't let /them/ in there, what makes ye think I'll let you? Eh?"
"T-Then I-I guess these p-photos will go viral then-"
"Whoawhoawhoa! Lettest not get hasty now! That's my public image you're tarnishing'!...Finest!... The Herbicicide, 'tis a plantish beast with fruitful herbs whose home was 'ere, 'ten we built Old Flozamdique over it, sorta forced 'im underground!... Then it destroyed the ol town, up and comes the new one years later! And eh, it gets worse here:
The Herbicicide built a giant cavern to make a new home in. This whole town is situated over a sinkhole. Hasn't collapsed yet 'cause doth Herbicicide keeps it in well balance."
"Wait, what." you say, confusion on the rise.
"Ye ye, this WHOLE BLOODY PLACE IS A SINKHOLE!" he announces, a bit too loud in fact.
A) "Can it sense witches in disguise?"
B) "Magical herbs you say?"
C) "So we can crash into that giant cavern and die any second?"