And that's the lakes storyline done and Candice beaten. Unfortunately not without some losses.
Radical's death was extremely sudden. I'd been close combatting Gravellers for a while at that point and whenever there was a second one Riley's Lucario took out the other one. No idea why it decided to go for metal claw this time, leaving the second Graveller around to blow up my Staraptor's lowered defenses. I fucking hate the AI sometimes. As for Reek, she died on the way to Snowpoint. The ace trainers in this game really are scary. Maybe I should've just switched to something else on a Machoke but I didn't really see it as a problem until I got wrecked by a critical hit. Sad because there's not that many chances to use the Stunky line and I was quite enjoying it.
Both very nasty losses, and honestly my new team members feel a lot less strong right now. At least we don't have to wait long for the Dusk Stone to get a Honchkrow. Rampardos might not be a great pokemon, probably even a kinda bad one, but my God do I love it. Something very fun about just being all-in on attack, and it gets surprisingly good coverage too. And it looks cool as fuck.
Candice was another pushover, Astro one-shot every ice type and Scourge had no issues with Medicham. Next up: Team Galactic.
>>57363573Good to hear you got through Maylene without issue, Gallade sounds pretty great for that. Don't forget to teach it Drain Punch, it's a fantastic move and Gallade doesn't learn that many fighting moves for some reason. Wake should be no issue with Torterra and Rotom.
>>57363355So you've started it, nice! Honestly sounds a bit too slow paced for my taste, but it's a cool concept. Nincada's death is a shame too since it basically loses you another 'mon, and I imagine Shedinja would be pretty great for this kind of run.