>>28534437 and >>28534534 anon here.I'll only say it's very easy to fail hard, have an excess of moderation and get to a "No fun allowed" point.
The Capslock guy is right here
>>28541138. Moderation is good as it is.
What we need to do is 2 things:
1. Rewrite our /vp/ rules in a way that leaves less space to subjective interpretation, specially regarding to the "No anthro/furry allowed", as Pokemon like Lucario, Lopunny, Gardevoir, Medicham and Braixen are themselves anthropomorphized animals. We need to clarify the proper exceptions.
2. As for 4chan as a whole, the site should encourage people to filter things they don't like. The "I don't like thing, so I'll shit on your thread" is a problem of 4chan as a whole, and instead of an excessive use of banhammer, we should tell this people this feature exists, so they don't rage when a post they don't like appears.
Don't get me wrong, the "I don't like thing" people are vital for constructive discussion, and are a key part of freedom of expression, which many would agree in sites like Reddit is tainted by the upvoting system. The "I'll shit on your thread", though, is noxious for such a healthy discussion, and must be punished.
Remember. What makes 4chan prevail over other sites is our freedom to express our ideas without them being a burden in the long run, and that's what's nice of being Anonymous. Don't let the temptation of excess of moderation take us out this freedom.