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Hey /vp/..
>>>Pic semi-related seeing as it reminds me of a majority of you
Here's the deal. We got Sun & Moon, most retailers do. They're in the back loading bay marked as Holidary releases and in special wrap (yellow for us at Sam's Club) which is Walmart's 'better' half. The Membership side of Walmart where you can buy in bulk.
Anyway, I am an Overnight Manager and can confirm Sun & Moon's shipments. I will say that I can move the pallet just out of camera's reach and may be able to swipe a few boxes since the product has not been security tagged yet. I can more than likely get both copies.
Here's the dilemma I run into; I've always got to be seen on camera. It's almost vital since I've been having issues at my job. I can tell you now that it's almost a guarantee at this point that every Walmart & Sam's Club is either going to get their shipment tonight or will 100% have the pallets and end runs (start of shelf decoration) to set up for Sun & Moon.
There's already a place for them in the Electronics department, it will be a medicore set-up for the Sam's Club somewhere here in DFW.
Where do you all come in? If you can go to your nearest K-Mart, Target, Walmart, Sam's Club, Frys Electronics, Best Buy or retailer outside of Gamestop unless you can make it behind the counter; you will find yellow wrapped or red wrapped pallets usually in the back loading bay. SOME STORES HAVE SEPERATE TRAILERS/HOLIDAY TRAILERS THAT GET RENTED BY GAME COMPANIES TO STORE THE PRODUCT IN UNTIL 2 DAYS PRIOR OR THE DAY BEFORE RELEASE.
We don't have said Trailer and no room in the trailers we do have, so the pallets were moved to the back of catalogue. Anyway.
What do?