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After much dilly dallyng we were ready to take on Jasmine. Winter was trained to be fast and hit hard (where do you find the Macho Brace?) Fireblast+Wide Lens (95% accuracy) seemed more than enough for a no casualities gym.
>Winter vs Metang: One shot, things look good
>Winter vs Steelix: One shot Because Fire Blast (95%) misses and Steelix uses EQ. Winter is prety dead, along with the no casualities gym.
>Mr. Dolly comes in, uses Will-O-Wisp (75%) gets screeched and switches with A'Tuin, who also gets a screech. She is tanky enough to leech seed and start an EQ war, burning her sitrus berry and finally taking her out.
>Forretress: Back to Mr. Dolly, who gets Bug Bitten. He lands another 75% burn) and eats a Payback that would have killed him had Forretress not been burned. Again A'Tuin, who takes little damage from Payback on the switch. With enough EQs it dies, but not before Bug Biting and eating our occa berry.
>Skarmory: the only fight Eon could take, so he comes in. On the switch Skarmory takes to the sky. next turn Ice Beam misses (we outspeed), but Fly (95%) also misses. Another ice beam takes them bellow half and they Toxic. 1 bad poison tic. As expected they Protect next turn. 2nd bad poison tic. Another beam finishes them. 3rd poison tic. we are at 60% health.
>Magneton: I don't know if he outspeeds us, Mr. Dolly and A'Tuin are at death's door and Alphard can't take the switch, so I bite the bullet and Earth Power (learnt at 38). They are faster! Magnet Bomb... gets mitigated thanks to the babiri berry, allowing Eon to live with 24hp and take them out but the poison finishes our trusty friend.
>Bronzong: Alphard is in charge, Confuse Rays while tanking a crit Psychic. The bell never stops hitting itself and suffers a Surf based death, even with two hiper potions used on it.
I'm so mad right now (about losing Eon, Winter can go enjoy the Worthless Assholes box).This is what I get for being a tryhard.