Quoted By:
>be me
>want to have inteleon fug me
>wait at night for family to sleep
>go to kitchen fridge
>all lights out stealth mode
>find jar of pickles because think that’s as close as i’ll get to replacating his member
>quickly feel around for biggest one and hurrily put the jar away
>pickle scent strong due to too much splashage
>spray lysol to cover it
>shove pickle in elastic of boxers and cover shirt, quickly yet quietly go to bathroom
>fill up tub with hot water to feel like it’s inteleon
>turn tap off, begin inserting large pimply pickle into hole
>have to try and finish fast because I hear footsteps close by
>finish in the nick of time
>harsh fast knocking suddenly
>anon why are you taking a bath this late? Hurry up!
>it’s mom fuck
>have to try to eat pickle fast so no smell but it has soaked up the soap from tub and has become nonedible
>go into bird mode and have to quickly chew it up and spit it into a wash cloth
>manage to do it speedily and throw chunks in toilet, flush fast while draining tub water, slam seat down
>scrubbing evidense of smell from tub but the juices have already stained it
>wrap towel around body, get out fast and zoom to room
>few minutes later, hear mom scream
>why the hell does it smell like pickles in here and what’s this green shit in toilet
>oh no
I’m still hiding in room and pretending to sleep when she walks by, but she keep going around interrogating siblings who are awake and now they’re fighting because they think one of them is lying
Wat do?