Quoted By:
-Trailer is 19 mins long w/ half of it dedicated to SV
-Paldea Region
-Naranja academy and Uva academy
-Professer/headmaster/principal? Clavell tasks students to do a treasure hunt
- Legends acts as rides/HMs. Koraidon swimming movement is nice
-Leaked rival is correct. her name is Penny
-Leaked Ice gym leader is correct. name is Grusa and uses Cetitan that looks like a spiky bipedal white whale (think Qwilfish body)
-Arven is an upperclassman
-Jacq is the student's biology teacher
-Paldean Wooper is brown in color
- Fidough is a pastry dog w/ Yamper color scheme
-Gimmick is called Terastal that increases type moves or changes other pokemon's type (Pikachu becomes Flying)
-Terastal turns mons to crystal w/ ornaments on their head (Fountain for Water, Flowers for Grass, Candles for Fire, Balloons for Flying)
-Raids let you battle mons w/ different Terastal types