>>57172242The actual stat difference between a 15 attack and a 10 attack is minimal and is sometimes not even a downgrade in damage depending on fast move breakpoints.
If necrozma's shadow claw does the same damage regardless of 10 vs 15 attack then there's no reason to bother, plus most people aren't maxing their Pokémon anyways and can always raise the level more to get to the next breakpoint if necessary.
1 damage on a fast move ultimately doesn't make much difference as well in raids outside of trying to solo/duo something where you need every single point of damage you can, a level 20 account using STAB moves will add more damage than IV's or even leveling your Pokémon from 40-50 would.
In pvp though you have a direct competition against others, but honestly you can get away with not caring to much about stats there as well. High stat product mons will lose CMP vs high attack ones and can cost you just as many games as you win not getting farmed down. Sometimes you get the worst end of both, like my shadow gatr, that loses CMP vs every mirror and nearly every single annihilape, and still gets farmed down by opposing gatrs and other mons despite being high ranked.