ITT: Everyone posts, barely anybody rates.
>>20638940I'll rate you, anon. Which one are you?
>>20639057No such thing as too many, anon! Also, 7/10 taste, I'm not a huge fan of most of those pokemon, but I do like quite a few of them.
>>20638845You and me both, anon. 8/10 taste, there are a lot of pokemon that I like around the top.
>>20638647Very nice choices, torterra is a great pokemon. 7.5/10
>>20638123WHY ARE YOU USING CAPS HOLY FUCK 8/10, nice taste.
>>206365247/10, would've been a 6 if giratina wasn't in that second row.
>>20636092Meh, 6/10. Nothing particularly interesting, but your taste is fine.
>>206357216.5/10, hydreigon and espeon are cool.
>>206354193/10, pikachu harder.
>>206353757.5/10, not bad. Feraligatr's a pretty cool 'mon.
>>206351128/10, I see a few great pokemon around the top. Most notably cacturne.
>>206347376/10, nothing impressive.
>>206345987/10, nice favorite. I'm happy to see pangoro and galvantula in there too.
>>20634511Solid 7/10.
>>20629813>>20626869>>20625497>>20625134>>206310809/10 because you both like manectric.
>>206394448.5/10, only thing that would make it better is manectric.