>>33710060Its over. Lorelei, Bruno and Agatha went down easy.
Lance's Gyarados got Pikachu with a Hyper Beam. His Dragonite got Orbit with a Hyperbeam too. I loved that big wad of gum too. Grew really attached to it.
Blue was tough. I had 4 pokemon and a strong weakness to Psychic. Victor got got by the Alakazam, then Tarley picked up the pieces. Cloyster survived a petal dance too, so he took out Tarley. Which left me down to 2 Pokemon. But he only had 2 left as well, both of which weak to Ground. So Chubbz saved the day.
I have a new found respect for the Nido's now, after these games.
Its a shame Gen 1 sucks.
I'll start Gold in a few days. For now, I'm taking a small break.