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I think it would of been hilarious if the head guy of the marketing for pokemon in America went all "what's this gook shit? PokeMAN? God it's all kids shit, they even sent me something me one of those video games that I can play without a tv, why can't I ever do marketing for things I enjoy?
>he flips on the game boy
"Well better get an idea if what I'm selling"
Starts playing red version, starts playing it for hours not realizing the passing time. Then he has to sit in a meeting to discuss the future of merchandising Pokemon in America.
He just sits there and says nothing in the meeting until one guy calls a charzard an aerodactyl. Guy goes full pokeweeaboo and does that similar scene like that Steve jobs "get out" scene. Gets more enraged when guy he already fired says it's just a stupid kids thing, "if you do not understand the genius,and happiness that is pokemon you do not deserve to work on this team."
Forces the whole office to play the game and if they can't even beat the first gym he fires them.