>First gameYellow
>Favorite GameEither Platinum or Soulsilver, not real sure
>Favorite MonPikachu
>Least Favoriteprobably Quagsire, it's the first one I think of when I think dislike or hate
>Favorite TrackKanto Route 13 (long bridge route from Lavender to Fuscia so technically several routes) or Jubilife City
>Game MechanicNational dex, not pissy answer is actually following mon
>Least favorite mechanicHonestly always on EXP Share or Gigantimax, again, real answer is probably not being able to change a Pokemon's ball
>New PreevoHonestly tough, I guess Tropius would have a neat one?
>New EvoAlso kinda tough, off the top of my head I can't think of one wow
>Regional formThis one is tough because there's a LOT of answers for me, I think I'd like Chandelure to get one? Flygon too probably. I love both of those as is but they're great for cool overhauls
>SwShYou can probably already tell i'm not pleased
>2d or 3dI mean, I like more 2d games, but Battle Revolution and Colosseum were both excellent. It sucks that there even needs to be a divide where the current 3d gen is so subpar in comparison to shit on the wii and gcn
>/vp/ postingPeople who think they know everything just because they've played all the games, so they shit on other people's opinions
>AppearanceAverage Italian American look, but everyone in school called me ugly so that's probably more accurate
>Unpopular OpinionI can't really think of one? I hate SwSh and most people think that's an unpopular opinion outside of /vp/. I guess I like gen 5 and people tend to hate that, so probably that