Quoted By:
>how long have you been playing Pokémon?
since a wee lad, probably around 6 or 7 with red and blue, then silver and gold, then i had a falling out until ruby version
>how often do you play?
not often enough anymore, cant stay focused, but i enjoy other aspects of it
>how often do you visit /vp/?
ive recently got a pokemon kick and ive been browsing it everyday since the beginning of this month
>other hobbies?
i rp stupid shit and write i guess
sometimes, not often enough
>what do you do for a living?
work as a cashier at a grocery store
>favorite region
not now, maybe later
>do your friends or people outside your Pokémon friends know you play?
im not the BIG NAME pokemon fan but i keep up with stuff enough to be the guy who lets friends in on info