Can't wait for Sw2Sh2 next year where they fix an entire two things and charge $60 again like it's nbd.
>>39750058I'm not sure what you're on about because the starters, Wooloo, Alcremie, and the Galarian form mons were all well-received overall. Rolycoly, Duraludon, Impidimp, Morpeko, and Yamper are more negative than positive even though Morpeko and Yamper both still have some fans. Some people changed their mind on Impidimp.
Waifufags gonna waifufag, I'm pretty sure someone at TPCi is well aware of 'em. They know they sell more waifu statues than male character merch unless the character can appeal to both men and fujoshi. Some women like the pokegirls too, they have a great appeal to everyone whereas men tend to dislike male characters. It's beyond me.
>>39752293They're both entry-level friendly rivals and they literally reused a Hau animation for Hopp.
https://youtu.be/ty5lUK-EM-A>0:38>>39752312Incorrect, I want my self-insert to coddle and fluster the edgy rivals with niceness in hopes that they become good. The friendly rivals are obnoxious, treat the player like they're stupid/weak worse than the "mean" rivals, and make me want to punch them until they cry.
I would only step on Trace's balls, or the edgy rivals if they were into that.