Quoted By:
>One day after work
>Cleaning the main hall of the firm I work at.
>Theres a kid sitting upside down on the sofa with his shoes on and up against the wall. with a DS
>Tell him to knock it off and sit up straight at first
>He ignores me and continues playing
>Come back and he still has his shoes up against the wall
>Just cleaned that wall again.
>Try to ask nicely, he finally grunts and sits up right.
>Decide to make some idle chatter to make sure he doesn't do it again.
>He's playing B2W2. starts telling me about it, chime in with my own knowledge.
>He starts talking smogon tiers, ubers, and ivs and shit.
>Actually impressed.
>leave him be and get back to work
>Come back an hour later to find muddy prints on the wall again as well as his DS just lying there by itself.
>Fuck this i'm done
>Delete his data and make a new file called "USEFVRTS"
>Leave work, never see that kid or his footprints ever again.