Part 61: + + Directory:
Gavrel Khovoskhy is a highly-eccentric Russian man that likes to sell assorted cursed items at undebatably high prices. To make matters worse, along with monetary pay, the buyer also has to pay a fortune in the form of dealing with the curse they just bought. Like say, a cursed Combee hive filled with unlimited honey that summons pissed off Beedrills to the hive's bearer.
Or like the lucky Mamoswine tusk that promises the sacred loss of virginity... only in the form of a massively uncomfortable gangbang rape.
Because no refunds are allowed, Gavrel and the rest of the Khovoskhy brood hold zero liability for what happens to his customers, and as long as a Curse Purge Plus doesn't open up anywhere anytime soon, they shall forever remain the top dog.
Today, Gavrel is in Couriway Town running an 'Express' version of his family's infamous cursed establishment, but business is rather slow. The man himself is about to go on much-needed lunch break when someone approaches him upfront.