>>18705252Ok, I agree that Porygon needs a mega-evolution, and I also agree that it would be cool for him to have some "corrupt data" theme, but what about this:
His mega evolution looks kind of like a dolphin made of code, and it's attached to a "wire" (also made of code) that goes into the ground. I'm thinking we could have a theme sort of like he's "diving" or "swimming around" in the internet/computers/code/whatever the fuck you want
as for the "corrupt data" theme, if I were designing it, I would make it in the form of a signature attack: Normal type: Bit Explosion, 120 base power normal type move with 30% recoil. Balanced, takes advantage of his STAB and ability, fits thematically, and would be a good Scarf/Specs lock (much better than Hyper Beam). It would make our little data duck competitive again. Thoughts?