>>57123532I'm behind on my Porygon lore. When did they start being treated as if they were themselves computers? I always saw them as a computer program, which is made "real" with the same technology that lets people real-ify pokemon stored within a computer.
>>57125193LP are a fiat pseudo-currency invented by the Paldea league for use by Paldean trainers in Paldea. The general public doesn't know how the system works and just assumed it works like the cryptographically-backed pokedollar system. But actually it's just a database somewhere that says "User #61532 has 20,000LP; user #78121 has 3500LP; user 20201 has 981,000LP" and so on. It's a much smaller and less secure system. Penny found a back door into the database and just started making changes to it.
This is why Penny got off so light after stealing so much "money." It wasn't real money as far as the rest of the authorities are concerned. What she did was the equivalent of hacking the NFL database to make it look like 20 of the points that the Chicago Bears won in a recent game went to the Dalla Cowboys instead.