>>51333520The key was in the slow rhythm, in the first episodes there was no friendship between Ash and Misty, that was more an imposition of her on him, with the excuse of the bicycle (She was too proud to admit it), Brock even though felt admiration for the spirit of Ash embarked on the journey for personal reasons, and before a friend for Ash he was a mentor and guide of reason, Team Rocket began as a generic villains (even as a real threat) but according to as the episodes passed, we got to know more about the characters and their dynamics were created naturally.
On the other hand, with Goh and Chloe, it's a mess, Goh has a good relationship with Ash and their friendship is believable, but what feels forced is trying to impose him as Ash's best friend and worse that he is forced at times, as during Ash's interactions with his old friends, it's as if the director says to the rest of the cast, hey this is my son Goh and I want you to treat him the same or better than the protagonist (He is the definition of a Poochie)
Chloe is more of the same, for much of the series they ignored her only so that in the final part they tried to integrate her and she feels so artificial, I know that the anime is a great commercial, but Chloe is a big one:
"Hey meet the new girl"
"Great, what is her background, her goal, her dreams?"
"...look she has an Eevee!"