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Release date: November 14 2020.
Galarian Slowking is a Ghost/Psychic and has at least 8 eyes on his shell and has a cape which has a vampiric vibe to it. Needs the Galarica Shawl to evolve.
The two steeds are named Stallilum and Stallohette and are fighting/Fairy and Fighting/ dark respectively. They are the steeds that clayrex used to fuse with before the old kings reigned galar and ended calyrex's reign of galar and crown tundra.
They can fuse with calyrex which makes calyrex either Psychic/Fariy in it Calyium form and Psychic/Dark in it's Calohette Form.
The galarian birds always fight in this tree becuase of how they migrate every century and each one wants a spot in the tree before they migrate again. Calyrex is the leader of the trio master of the birds and can subdue them when needed.
The Village chief talks about the lore of calyrex in his house that you stay in for a night before going to the raid dens and the village chief wife makes max soup with a different recipe of max Vegtables. Peony's duaghter is named Poppy and she is your rival and her ace is Galarian Slowking and at least she is not much of a bitch like klara.